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ARMCO® PH 13-8 Mo


On the indication of our market analysts, AK Steel International has increased its stock position on ARMCO® PH 13-8 Mo.

AK Steel International is proud to announce that as of Q4 2020 we have improved our inventory of stainless steel bars in ARMCO® PH 13-8 Mo grade according to specification AMS5629 and NCT 17-133-01 (Safran Landing Systems). This material will be stored in Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Tortona (Alessandria, Italy). ARMCO® PH 13-8 Mo is available in different diameters and can be cut to size.  

ARMCO® PH 13-8 Mo STAINLESS STEEL is designed for high-performance applications requiring high strength coupled with excellent resistance to stress corrosion. Applications for this high-performance alloy include forgings, cold-headed and machined fasteners, aircraft parts, nuclear reactor components, landing gear parts, pins and lock washers, high-performance shafts, etc. ARMCO® PH 13-8 Mo is also applied in petro-chemical applications requiring stress corrosion resistance combined with high strength.

The grade is also known as Grade XM-13, W-No. 1.4534, X3CrNiMoAl13-8-2 and/or as UNS S13800.

More information can be found in our product page Stainless Bars / Wire and in the technical brochure which can be downloaded in our Downloads section.

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